Social media has become an important tool in webinar promotion. Different social media sites will require a different strategy and approach.
Tags: webinar tips, webinar, Webinar Dos and Donts, teletips, webinar best practices
Audio Conferencing Tip: Reduce Background Noise
Background noise can be a major distraction during phone conferencing. Audio conferencing best practices tell you to put your microphone on mute when you aren’t talking. However, when you need to talk, make sure you eliminate as much background noise before you unmute yourself. Some common types of background noise include wind noise, other conversations in the room, noisy pets, active children and even typing on a computer. If possible, find a quiet place from which to attend the meeting.
Tags: phone conferencing, audio conferencing, teletips, conference call, audio conferencing best practices
Email blasts can be an effective method of webinar promotion, but it needs to be done correctly. The truth is not everyone in your email list will be interested in every event you hold. Promoting best practices dictate you should create separate lists of email addresses that are likely to be interested in certain topics for webinars so you can better reach out to the right people each time.
Tags: webinar tips, webinar, Webinar Dos and Donts, teletips, webinar best practices
Tags: best practices, web conferencing, web conferencing tip, teletips, Infinite Conferencing
Audio Conferencing Tip: Give The Call Your Full Attention
Attending a meeting from the comfort of your home or office often means plenty of distractions going on around you. You may be tempted to check email, answer a co-worker’s question, tackle the pile of work growing on your desk or any number of other small tasks. During conference calls, it isn’t uncommon for the speaker to ask an individual attendee an answer. If you aren’t paying attention, it will be obvious. You will have to ask the speaker to repeat the question, which can be embarrassing for you and frustrating for everyone else. Paying attention will avoid these problems.
Tags: phone conferencing, audio conferencing, teletips, conference call, audio conferencing best practices
Webinar Tip: Make Sure You Have Measurable Objectives
It is important for a webinar to have proper and measurable objectives, in order to ensure it attracts the right types of attendees. By having objectives in place, you will be able to better measure your success and return on investment (ROI). In too many webinars, businesses don’t give enough thought to the objective; they simply throw it in as an afterthought. However, if you don’t have proper objectives, you can’t see what was right and wrong with your webinar and will not be able to make improvements.
Tags: webinar tips, webinar, Webinar Dos and Donts, teletips, webinar best practices
About Our Discussion - hashtag #office101
Join Denise Evans and Janet Salazar as they share their corporate cultural experience. IBM is rated the#1 company for top leaders. According to FORTUNE, IBM goes beyond and above grooming people to be leaders. Denise will tell Janet Salazar how multicultural women get ahead at IBM and what you need to do!
About Our Discussion - hashtag #office101
In the last 10 years 2 million more women than men hold college degrees in the US. Seventy percent of current high school valedictorians are women. Yet, the further up the management ladder you go, women continue to be increasingly underrepresented, holding only 10 percent of S&P executive positions with a measly 3 percent of Fortune 500 companies run by women (Stroope & Hagemann, 2011). Though the quantity and quality of capable women in the workforce has increased, not many of them are making it into top jobs—a sign that organizations might be overlooking some of their best talent.
Tags: office101, In The Office, free event, Infinite Conferencing
Orange is the New Black and Other Content Marketing Revelations
Tags: content strategy, In The Office, marketing, free event, Infinite Conferencing
Onstream Webinars can’t be successful if you don’t use the right techniques for webinar promotion. One key aspect of webinar promotion is telling people about your webinar and what they can expect to gain from it. Learning from webinar best practices, as well as promoting these best practices, will ensure you achieve the successful event you have planned.
Tags: Onstream Media, webinar, webinar best practices, Webinar promotion, promoting best practices
Help Provide Your Insight On Continuing Education!
Tags: CE, Continuing education, Continuing professional education, Infinite Conferencing
Audio Conferencing Etiquette: Making Calls Go More Smoothly
Bad habits seem to be prevalent in phone conferencing because you aren’t face to face with the other individual. Showing up late, holding side conversations with others in the room and forgetting to put your phone on mute to avoid creating distractions are all common occurrences on a conference call. While most people are familiar with proper etiquette in situations, such as eating dinner or even attending a business meeting in person, where is the etiquette for audio conferencing? These audio conferencing best practices will bring good manners to your next call, while ensuring that you make the make the most of Onstream Media's services.
Tags: Onstream Media, phone conferencing, audio conferencing, Infinite Conferencing, conference call, audio conferencing best practices
Best Practices for Continuing Education Webinars
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, Continuing education, webcasting, continuing education best practices, webinar best practices
Telecommuting has become a popular option for many businesses. This option allows individuals to work from a variety of locations instead of being restricted to one office. Instead of having to commute to the office every day, employees are able to log into work through telecommuting software to complete their tasks. When you follow these telecommuting best practices, this can be an effective option for your employees.
Tags: telecommuting best practices, virtualb2b, telecommuting
Contrary to popular belief, webcasts aren’t simply videos a business or individual posts online. While this can certainly describe webcasting, it isn’t limited to this definition. For instance, corporate webcasting is the process of creating business presentations that come alive for viewers, allowing customers and businesses to interact together. Live webcasts and on demand webcasts utilize tools, such as PowerPoint, video, Q&A and a variety of other interactive features to engage an audience. Those who cannot attend a live event can view the same broadcast as those who are attending the show will see in person. These webcasts bring viewers to keynote speeches, breakout sessions and other events that are typically live.
Tags: business best practices, live webcasts, Onstream Media, webcasts, on demand webcasts, webcasting benefits
Generating leads is an essential aspect of successful online marketing. However, not all leads you are able to obtain will be the type of leads that will convert into sales for your business and help you grow. Lead scoring for your Onstream virtual event is important to improve your sales team and their level of knowledge so they know exactly who is interested in your company and which people are more likely to make a purchase. Your online events will provide you with detailed information on how your audience behaves, giving you insight on their interests. This insight is critical in creating more effective marketing automation and CRM systems and driving customers through the buying cycle. Follow these important lead scoring tips to obtain the best possible leads.
Tags: Onstream Media, best practices, marketing, virtual event, lead scoring, lead scoring tips
Tags: best practices, webinar, Free webinar, thought leadership
Creating a compelling, effective webinar is an important first step to your success. If no one attends the event or you have low attendance numbers, you suffer from a reduced value for your event. With effective webinar marketing, though, you can naturally increase your attendance. By following these webinar best practices for publicizing your event, including using your current contact list and social media, you will host a more effective event using Onstream Media.
Tags: Onstream Media, publicizing, webinar, webinar best practices, Webinar marketing
Tags: best practices, webinar, Free webinar, thought leadership
As a business, one of your primary goals is to position yourself as an expert in your field so people trust your brand and rely on you to fulfill their needs. There are many ways you can establish your thought leadership position, including keynote speeches, article contributions and panel spots. One of the best ways to build up your reputation is through user engagement. When you follow these best practices, and use Onstream Media's industry-leading solutions, you will boost your brand and improve your company performance.
Tags: Onstream Media, best practices, user engagement, thought leadership
Customer relations has always been a critical aspect of business. However, the way in which you satisfy your customers has changed. It is no longer enough to simply provide great products and services. Today, interacting with and engaging your audience is important to achieve the levels of customer satisfaction you desire and connect with them on new levels. Technology plays a major role in how you can interact with your customers and improve your level of customer service.
Tags: social media, email marketing, customer relations tips, customer relations
7 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing Mix
Using online videos to promote your business, a technique known as video marketing, is becoming a popular means of online marketing. It enables you to promote a specific product, demonstrate how something works and connect with your company on a more personal level. When potential customers are able to see your product in action, they see the benefits and are more likely to place an order.
Tags: video marketing best practices, video marketing, streaming video
When you use Onstream Media to host a live webinar in an effective manner, it is the perfect method of implementing communications, public relations and marketing into your business strategy. With the right webinar tips, you can easily transform your prospective customers into repeat customers who will return to you for more business in the future. If you follow the tips below, you will learn how to set the proper tone for your next event and make it more successful, maximizing the results of your efforts.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, webinar, live webinar, webinar best practices, success, Planning for a Webinar
As businesses continue to grow, they often hold on to this tradition, resulting in a lack of space and time to accommodate everyone. Once your business reaches around 10 to 15 people, this informal format no longer works as effectively. It can be difficult to hold everyone’s interest through the discussion and allowing everyone to talk often takes too much time. If one person goes into too much detail about their current project, some people involved in the meeting won’t get a chance to talk at all.
Tags: global employee meetings, Onstream Media, meetings, Meeting tips, all hands meetings, global meeting
Learning doesn’t necessarily have to end the moment you graduate college. In fact, taking continuing professional education courses is a great way to build up your skills and learn new ones along the way, especially if you are considering a career change in your future. Even if you will remain in the same career, the necessary skills change often, requiring you to stay on top of the changes if you want to remain competitive.
Tags: Webinars, Onstream Media, CE, Continuing education, virtual events, Continuing professional education, virtual
B2B companies often need to present sales pitches to their clients to show them how their products or services will help them better serve their own customers. A sales demo is a great way to showcase what you can offer to other businesses. However, instead of hosting this demo in person, you can reach an even larger audience by using Onstream's webinars. Follow these sales tips to increase your reach and promote your goods or services through web conferencing in a way that will create genuine interest in what your business has to offer.
Tags: Webinars, Onstream Media, sales tips, web conferencing, sales demo
5 Ways to Enhance Your Earnings Conference Call
Today, many companies reach out to their investors to share information about earnings and other financial aspects of the business through Onstream's phone conferencing. The Investors Relations, or IR department will start a conference call, inviting all investors to attend and share information every quarter or on an annual basis to make sure every investor knows what is going on.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, IR, phone conference, conference call
Find a Web Conferencing Provider to Help Bridge the Void
There are so many more options for businesses today with the increased use of the Internet which makes it easier to reach a global audience, creates more opportunities and solves a lot of business problems from the past. With all the advances in web conferencing, businesses are able to use a conferencing provider that offers a vast array of features to reach out to vendors, customers and business partners who are located around the world in a cost-effective and easy manner. This important tool makes it easier to communicate and even collaborate, no matter the distance.
Tags: web conferencing, conferencing provider, web conferencing benefits, conferencing
How to Compliment a Physical Tradeshow With a Virtual One
In the past, the only way companies could advertise at tradeshows was to actually attend them in person. Today, though, the virtual tradeshow is becoming a more popular trend for many businesses. These virtual tradeshows allow you to reach a larger audience, sometimes even a global audience with greater ease. There are so many benefits to showing at and attending these virtual events, including money savings and the convenience of being able to attend from anywhere without the need to travel great distances. If traditional tradeshows are part of your current business strategy, consider these virtual tradeshow tips from Onstream Media to determine if you are ready to make the switch.
Tags: Onstream Media, virtual tradeshow tips, virtual tradeshow
An online webinar has become a popular way for businesses to reach out to their customers, vendors and business partners. Many businesses put a lot of work into their webinars, only to use them once and abandon the project. However, these same businesses are also often looking for ways to save money and time to make their business operate more efficiently. Utilizing these webinar tips will help you reuse your Onstream webinar content to save money and time and more effectively advertise your business.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, webinar, online webinar
5 Reasons Why Live Streaming Video Is Better than Television
Years ago, the only way to gain a large audience for an event was to put it on television. This is why sporting events and other similar television shows were aired on television. This allowed the event to gain a national audience, drawing in big-name sponsors as well.
Tags: Onstream Media, live streaming video, live video broadcast, streaming video
The Progression of International Phone Conferencing
Years ago, making an international conference call was a pricey venture and also lacked in quality, making it difficult to conduct business across oceans and around the world. Back in the mid-1900’s when audio conferencing was first introduced across international lines, a live operator was required. Today, with all the changes in technology that have taken place, international phone conferencing has changed for the better. All users need to do is dial a specified phone number and enter their access code to be immediately connected to others around the world. In addition, an operator is no longer needed.
Tags: international phone conferencing, audio conferencing, international conference call
Everywhere you turn on the Internet you will find streaming video designed to serve a variety of purposes. Many Internet users now expect to be able to view things online, whether they are watching live television, sporting events, or on-demand videos which include rerun television shows and user-generated content. Internet users want features that are similar to the DVR systems they use in their homes.
Tags: flash, Onstream Media, encoding, video encoding
Offer your Employees a Connection to Home through Web Conferencing
In today’s global economy, many businesses now require their employees to travel on a regular basis. While single employees or even those who are married without children often enjoy this travel, employees who have families often have difficulty with the amount of travel that is required. When a video conference isn’t an option and you need to send your employees in person, keeping them connected to home with web conferencing can build morale and increase productivity, even when your employee is away from home and missing his family.
Understanding the Types of Digital Media Services
Just about everything in the media today is recorded digitally for the highest level of quality. This can include audio, video and even text media, all of which are used in business, communications and entertainment. For this reason, it is important to understand the different types of digital media services that are available and how they can be used. These services include all those that are used from the conception of the idea through to the final production and broadcast, including the design of the content, the production process and getting the final product out to the public.
Videos have become a critical element in the world of Internet communication. Today, it is important for all businesses to consider the use of a live webcast as a way to reach out to a much larger audience because of the increased use of video online. It isn’t only content videos you need to think about for your website; many businesses now use webcasting for other purposes, including meetings, lectures, conferences and other business events to help them better reach their audience. An Onstream Media webcast is a great way to give information to those you want to reach, but it is also a way to save money, especially when your audience is located around the world.
Tags: Onstream Media, webcast, webcast tips, webcasting, live webcast
Live Streaming Video: File Formats and Codecs Explained
Today, live video streaming has become a useful tool many businesses are using to interact with clients and vendors, as well as to communicate information about their business. If you plan on using Onstream Media's video streaming for your business, it would be useful to learn about file formats and why they are important to consider, as well as the importance of codecs.
Tags: Onstream Media, Video Streaming, video streaming best practices, file formats, live video streaming, codecs
The Best Ways for High-Quality Lead Generation with Webinars
In this day and age, many businesses understand the need for high-quality lead generation over generating leads that don’t have a high chance of translating into sales for the business. With the pressure placed by the management of these businesses, marketing teams are looking for more ways, particularly the use of online webinars, to generate the best possible leads for a higher return.
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, webinar, online webinar, lead generation
Offer the Best Experience with the Right Video Hosting Service
If you use streaming videos for your website, including live streaming video, it is extremely important to choose the right video hosting service to best meet your needs. This is because video streaming requires large amounts of bandwidth, as well as the assurance of the privacy of the content you post. You don’t want someone to steal your video content without your knowledge to use it for their own benefit. When you choose your hosting service carefully, you can avoid these issues.
Tags: Onstream Media, live streaming video, streaming video, video hosting service
The Do’s and Dont's of Utilizing Chat Tools During a Web Conference
Onstream Media's Web Conferencing is a great way for businesses to interact with customers, potential clients, vendors and even business associates. When you hold one of these conferences, it is important to encourage this interaction. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the chat feature. With the right web conferencing tips, you can make implementing the chat into your conference easier than ever, making it a useful tool for both you and your audience.
Tags: Onstream Media, web conferencing, Web conferencing Best Practices;, web conferencing tips, web conference
Web events have become a large part of the way businesses reach out to clients, customers and even vendors. When you are able to hide between the camera during web conferencing and live webinars, you may forget some of the most important elements of speaking. This is why it is important to learn and make use of various web event tips, including the importance of making eye contact, even when you aren’t face-to-face with your audience in person.
Tags: live webinars, Webinars, webinar tips, Onstream Media, web conferencing, web conferencing tips
The Benefits of International Audio Conferencing
With today’s global economy, it is more important than ever for individuals and companies to be able to reach a global audience. While the Internet and online conferencing have made it easier to reach people around the world, this doesn’t mean phone conferencing is a thing of the past for international conferences. With the use of smartphones, you will notice that just about everyone is using their phones on a regular basis. This makes audio conferencing one of the best ways to stay in touch with a global market.
Tags: phone conferencing, audio conferencing, audio conferencing benefits, conferencing
With the increase in home shopping channels, online shopping and in-home product promotion parties, it has become more popular for people to make their purchases from the comfort of their own homes. When people aren’t required to leave their homes to shop, they are more likely to purchase more and spend the time making sure they are buying the right product. Therefore, it can work to your advantage to use an online webinar to promote your products to these buyers.
Tags: Onstream Media, webinar, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events, online webinar
Infinite Conferencing Provides Top-Quality Service in Conference Calls and Webinars
In the business world, the days of having to meet in person or hold a call between two or three people are in the past. Today, most businesses are making use of conference call software and webinars to hold those important meetings with clients and colleagues across the country and around the world. Before your business joins this new trend, it is important to find one of the best providers in the business. Infinite has consistently ranked well with Top Ten Reviews, providing their users with top-notch services.
Tags: audio conferencing, webinar, live webinar, review, Infinite Conferencing, conference call, conferencing, audio conference
The Future of Webcasting: Expectations for 2013
Today, many businesses are making use of live webcasting as a way to reach out to their potential audience. While a webcast used to mean a video that people were able to watch to provide them with information, these events have become an interactive event that requires some audience participation, particularly through the use of social media. Before you work on your next webcast, it is important to take these webcasting tips that will help you make the most of your interactive environment, into consideration.
Tags: webcast, social media, webcasting, webcasting tips, live webcasting
The Importance of Effective Speaking for Your Events
Whether you are presenting in an audio conference, webinar or webcast, you need to make sure you are an effective speaker in order to efficiently engage your audience. Some people are great conversationalists, but this doesn’t always equate to being a good speaker. Speaking in front of a large group of people in a meeting environment can be an intimidating experience. Learning how to speak most effectively will ensure the success of your presentation so you can be sure everyone receives the message you are trying to portray.
Tags: webcast, meeting, webinar, audio conference
5 Ways to Make Your Webcast Stand Out (Part 2)
If you have joined the growing trend of using live webcasting to hold your important business meetings and other conferences, you need to learn some webcasting tips that will help you create the most impressive event possible. You want your webcast to be different from all the others that are out there and provide your viewers with an interesting format they will want to follow. With these tips, you will be able to keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have to say.
Web Conferencing Tips For Training Employees (Part 2)
Many companies use web conferencing as a way to train their employees instead of holding in-person training sessions. These sessions can be easily held online so you can include all your employees, including those who work from remote locations and can’t travel to the office. When you follow the proper conferencing tips, you will find your training sessions with Onstream Media too be more effective.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, web conferencing, web conferencing tips, conferencing
The Basics of Using Operated Assisted Conferencing for Your Business Calls
If you are the person who is in charge of managing the large-scale audio conferencing for your business, you are aware of the extreme stress setting up these conferences can create. The pressure is on to do everything exactly right, from the setup of the conference through to its completion and follow-up. However, even when you are the person who is in charge, you don’t have to deal with all the stresses on your own; you can make use of an operator assisted call.
Tags: audio conferencing, operator assisted conferencing, operator assisted call
Live webcasting has become an important way for businesses to conduct important meetings and to reach out to their potential clients. With the way a webcast is used, it can reach a much larger audience that is located around the world, rather than focusing on a smaller, local audience. You will be able to offer the same live experience without the costs and other logistical issues of holding the meeting in person. Follow these webcasting tips to better reach your audience.
Tags: webcast, webcasting tips, live webcasting
Create Your PowerPoint
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, web conferencing, conferencing
Turning Your Audience into Active Participants
It has become more important than ever for businesses to make use of webinars as a way to better reach their target audience. Today, more people are looking to watch information online, rather than having to read it themselves. However, it is still important to keep your audience engaged during a live webinar. When you keep your audience engaged, you are more likely to get your message across effectively because they will have an easier time remaining attentive throughout the event. Follow these webinar tips to transform your passive audience into active participants.
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, Onstream Media, live webinar
Best Practices for Using PowerPoint in a Web Event
Whether you are hosting a webinar or web conference, you need to find effective ways to express your ideas. One of the most common tools business people use for this purpose is a PowerPoint presentation. Understanding how to effectively use PowerPoint during your web event will ensure the highest level of success for your event.
Visit us at HIMSS Annual Conference and Expo
We are currently exhibiting at HIMSS Annual Conference and Expo and encourage you to stop by Booth 4560 to meet the Infinite Team and enter for your chance to win a Kindle Fire!!
Tags: audio conferencing, virtual events, Conference Provider, trade show, HIMSS
Why Web Conferencing Is Essential to Business Changes
By definition, management requires you to evaluate and implement changes in your corporate strategies, procedures and technologies to increase your odds of success. However, many businesses fail to implement changes in terms of technology. This includes finding a web conferencing provider to increase efficiency and effectiveness in communication.
Tags: web conferencing, conferencing provider, web conference
7 Conferencing Tips for Handling Meetings with Remote Employees
More businesses today are allowing their employees to work from remote locations, either full time or part time. However, this doesn’t negate the need for holding meetings that involve these employees. With the help of Onstream Media's web conferencing tools, businesses are able to continue conducting those meetings, no matter where their employees are located.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, audio conferencing, web conferencing, conferencing
How to Attract Attention to Your Webinar with a Catchy Title
1. Start with an Action – Strong action verbs are a great way to encourage people to take action. Engaging your audience with a call to action triggers the desire to attend your webinar and find out more.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, webinar, live webinar, online webinar
A webcast is a great way for you to reach out to your intended audience for business purposes. However, when you make use of a webcam for this purpose, you can have a difficult time getting the settings right and providing the best possible audio and visual for those who are viewing your broadcast. Just like with live television, live webcasting is an open door for a wide variety of problems. Once you realize the four most common mistakes and how to fix them, your webcasting experiences will be positive ones.
Tags: webcast, webcasting, live webcasting
The Advantages of Operator Assisted Audio Conferencing
Communications have always been an important aspect of any business. In the past, however, small and mid-sized businesses were at a disadvantage against the larger corporations, as technologies such as audio conferencing were not readily available to all. With the advances in communication technology, businesses of all sizes are on an even playing field, allowing anyone to reach out to a global market quickly and easily. Yet, if someone is not familiar with teleconferences and other similar tools, the entire process can be ineffective and confusing. In comparison, an operator assisted conference call can help you make sure everything runs smoothly. This is because an operator assisted conference provides you with a facilitator who will walk you through the entire process, completing the technical functions; so all you need to worry about is your conference and its content.
Tags: operator assisted conferencing, operator assisted calls, operator assisted conference, audio conference
How to Choose Between Webcasting and Web Conferencing
Many people mistakenly use the terms webcasting and webconferencing interchangeably, making it difficult for those who aren’t familiar with either term to understand how each of them should be used. Over time, these two terms have become so confused with each other, even providers often use the terms incorrectly. To avoid adding to the confusion, it is important for those who use live webcasting and web conferencing to learn the differences between the two and when each one should be used.
Today, many businesses are choosing to hold online webinars as a way to reach out to their intended audience. This method of online marketing is second only to whitepapers. In order for your business to achieve the audience level you desire for your Onstream Webinar, it is important to have the right kind of landing page and an enticing invitation email to encourage people to register for your online webinar.
Tags: webinar tips, webinar, webinar best practices, online webinar
10 Ways to Ensure Starting Your Online Meetings on Time
Webcasting and web conferencing have become a popular method for businesses to reach out to their potential and current customers, as well as to hold meetings among business associates. When it comes to holding a live web event, though, as many as 50 percent of these meetings and events do not start on time. Because time is money in the business world, it is important to learn how to avoid starting your events late to increase efficiency and profitability.
Tags: web conferencing, webcasting, live web event
Using Audio Conferencing to Enhance Your Web Conferencing Meetings
Many businesses are looking for ways to make their meetings easier for everyone to attend and to hold impromptu meetings without causing major disruption to the work day flow.As such, more companies are choosing to use web conferencing or phone conferencing to hold their meetings between employees. In addition, the latest advances in conferencing software allows businesses to hold more of these meetings with improved functionality and time saved.
Tags: phone conferencing, audio conferencing, web conferencing, conferencing software
The Benefits of Web Conferencing For Businesses
In the past, any major conferences for businesses had to be held in person. However, with all the advances in technology, web conferencing now allows businesses to hold and attend these conferences through an Internet connection from any computer. Nonetheless, this type of conferencing isn’t just for major conferences either. Many businesses of all sizes also use this method to hold internal meetings between employees, as well as external meetings with clients and prospective customers. If you are considering making the switch to conferencing online, it is important to learn all the benefits you will realize.
Tags: web conferencing, web conferencing benefits, conferencing
Audio conferencing has grown in popularity with businesses. If your business is considering adopting this useful tool, you need to be able to evaluate the benefits of each conferencing provider and weigh it against the costs. With the following tips, you will increase your chances of finding the right audio conferencing company to meet your business’s needs without spending too much money.
Tags: audio conferencing, conferencing provider, audio conferencing company
Many companies make use of a live webinar to help them generate leads from a targeted audience. After you hold an online webinar, it is strongly recommended to follow up with your attendees in order to obtain the best results from your event. In addition, it is extremely important for you to follow up the same day or the next day to ensure the greatest impact, as results of lead-generation diminish greatly the longer one waits.
Tags: webinar, live webinar, online webinar, lead generation
Understanding Reservationless Audio Conferencing
When you are involved in the business world, you realize the importance of being able to conduct a conference call on a whim. However, in the past, audio conferencing was only available if you set up the appointment ahead of time to reserve your time slot. Today, advances have been made in this technology that allow you to conduct these conference calls without having to make a reservation ahead of time. Starting in the 1990s, this form of conferencing via the phone lines has grown to include a variety of features that make using it even easier.
Tags: reservationless, Onstream Media, audio conferencing, Infinite Conferencing, conference call, reservationless conferencing
The Benefits of Telecommuting for Organizations
Today, more companies are making use of web solutions to allow their employees to telecommute several days a week. While telecommuting can be beneficial for the employees, it is also beneficial for the organization as a whole, saving money in several areas. If you are contemplating the option of allowing employees to telecommute, consider the following to help you weigh the benefits against the costs.
Tags: Onstream Media, audio conferencing, web conferencing, web solutions, conferencing, telecommuting
Because of the increased use of the Internet today, more businesses are using webcasts to complete their sales and marketing plans. Many large companies throughout the country have channels that broadcast critical information about their business to the general public. However, companies of all sizes can take advantage of live webcasting by following these tips for a successful webcast.
Tags: webcast, webcast tips, webcasting, live webcasting
With all the advances in technology over the years, it has become increasingly easier for humans to stay connected to each other, no matter where they are. Some of these changes in technology have given birth to the ability to host on online webinar instead of having to get everyone into the same room at the same time. With this introduction to easier communication for businesses, it has become even more important to learn how to have a greater impact on your audience, particularly through the use of an interactive environment.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, webinar, Webinar Planning, webinar best practices, online webinar
How to Effectively Use Twitter for Lead Generation
Even though social media was originally created to help people stay in touch with family and friends, it has become the perfect marketplace for companies to talk to each other and their customers to better grow their businesses. Because of the fast pace Twitter employs, it can be the perfect option to stay on top of communicating quality content about your business. When you make use of Twitter, you will be able to quickly compose messages that will be better able to reach your intended audience, helping you with lead generation that is essential to growing your business.
Tags: Onstream Media, social media, social media tips, twitter, lead generation, tips
What to Consider When Choosing a Web Conference Provider
When you choose web conferencing instead of holding a conference in person, you can increase your attendance and make things easier and more cost-effective for your attendees and your company. However, you aren’t as likely to hold a successful online conference on your own and as such, will need to find a quality, reliable web conference provider that won’t cost too much to help you. Before you settle for the first provider you encounter, evaluate several to help you make the right choice.
Tags: web conferencing, web conferencing tips, Conference Provider, conferencing
When searching for a webcam for your business purposes, you can quickly become overwhelmed by the vast number of choices available; as the advances in technology and the variety of features included can make it difficult to make the right choice. However, once you know more about how they work and what types of features you are likely to need, you will be able to make your decision easier.
Tags: Onstream Media, webcams, Webcam, buyer's guide, webcam tips
Improving the Effectiveness of Your Audio Conferences
Tags: audio conferencing tips, audio conferencing, audio conference
When you are holding an online web event, there’s a good chance you are looking to make money with your event. If this is one of your goals in holding an online event, it is important to focus on several areas to monetize your event successfully.
Tags: Onstream Media, monetization, online web event, web event
Tags: webinar tips, webinar, Webinar Events, live webinar provider, webinar providers
Webcasts have become a popular way of lead generation for many companies as these events provide sales teams with a list of quality, “warm” leads to convert into sales. However, it is still important not to be too pushy with sales, even if the leads are already familiar with your products or services. After you have worked with your webcasting company, it is time to make sure your sales team knows how to avoid two of the most common pitfalls.
Tags: webcasting companies, webcast, webcasts, webcasting company
Social media has quickly been growing as a way to promote everything related to your business. When you use live webinar providers to create a webinar for your business, you need to promote it to obtain a suitable audience. Making use of a variety of social networks can help you reach the largest audience possible to make it well worth the effort and cost of hiring a live webinar provider.
Tags: social media, webinar, live webinar provider
What You Should Consider When Choosing a Webcasting Company
There are many webcasting companies available from which to choose, making it difficult to know just what you should look for. To begin, it is important to understand the main purpose of a webcast. To have a successful webcast, you need a webcasting company that can help you reach a wide audience through the Internet with the best available features and ease of use. As you consider your options, you need to consider your audience, the presentation quality and your budget.
Tags: webcasting companies, webcast, webcasting company, webcast tips
Understanding Closed Captioning Requirements
With the increasing laws that address the requirement to use closed captioning, many businesses and other entities are wondering whether they need to provide closed captioning. In short, there are only a few exceptions when it comes to exemption from closed captioning. This means most English and Spanish programming in the United States must follow the regulations that took effect in 1998 through the passing in Congress of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Over the years, the requirements have continued to increase.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, web conferencing, closed captioning, web seminar
When Section 508 was passed, it created a requirement for all federal government agencies to make their communications more accessible to people who have disabilities. This includes all electronic and information technology. This Section was created to help eliminate the barriers that can keep people with disabilities from obtaining important information everyone else has access to. It was also intended to help agencies develop new technologies to provide information in a way everyone can benefit from it. These requirements mean every federal agency must ensure all employees and the general public, regardless of their disability, must have comparable access to training and informational media, including webinars and on-demand videos available on a website, so everyone is equally informed.
Tags: Onstream Media, Webinar Dos and Donts, Webinar Planning, webinar best practices, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events, Training Webinar, closed captioning, compliant
Adding Captions to Your Webinar Is Critical to Reach Your Entire Audience
When you create your Onstream webinar, you may be so focused on making sure your webinar contains quality information and appeals to your audience that you may not think about who may be viewing your webinar. It is often easy to assume that everyone who will watch your webinar will also be able to hear it. But what about those who are hearing impaired? If you don’t take steps to add closed captioning to your webinars, you are shutting out a portion of your potential audience, which can limit your reach. Instead, you need to find ways to reach those who are hearing impaired.
Tags: Onstream Media, Webinar Dos and Donts, Webinar Planning, webinar best practices, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events, Training Webinar, closed captioning
Avoid the Top 9 Presentation Mistakes for a Smoother Presentation
It is critically important for anyone who gives a presentation to have the right presentation skills to be successful. A presenter needs to know how to effectively communicate his message to his audience so they know exactly what he is trying to tell them. It’s all about building solid relationships, no matter how many people are in attendance at your presentation. It is your chance to show them you care about their problems and you know how to fix them.
Whether you are hosting an Onstream webinar or a live presentation to your company, you may want to make use of PowerPoint to create a good presentation. Before you get started, you may wonder what exactly makes a good PowerPoint slide. There really isn’t a right or wrong answer to this question. However, if you use these guidelines you will be able to create PowerPoint slides that are right for your presentation.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, powerpoint presentation, powerpoint, Webinar Planning, Infinite Conferencing, Planning for a Webinar, video conferencing
How to Use Webinars for Long Sales Cycles
Most companies use webinars as a way to generate more leads for their business. However, they often forget that it can be a content marketing strategy as well. If you intend to use Onstream webinars as a way to inform people about the products you have to offer that require long sales cycles, you need to come up with a plan. Heading into a webinar without a plan is inviting chaos into the mix, creating more problems for everyone involved.
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, Onstream Media, Infinite Conferencing
When you decide you would like to communicate to your customers via email, the first thing you need to focus on is how to get their email address. You know exactly why you need it, but consumers often worry about how you will use their email if they give it to you. Therefore, it is up to you to convince them it is in their best interest to provide you with this method of contact. You can do this through these four factors:
Tips for Preparing for a Successful Presentation
The fear of public speaking is something that is real for many people. Some people would rather go through other seemingly horrifying ordeals, such as getting a root canal or visiting with an annoying friend or relative, than get up and talk in front of a group of strangers. However, when you find you must give a presentation for your business, you can help alleviate your fears and really leave an impression on those who see your presentation if you make an effort to create a fun, engaging presentation by following these tips:
Tags: Onstream Media, web conferencing, Web conferencing Best Practices;, Webinar Planning, Webinar Mistakes, video conferencing tips, web seminar, Infinite Conferencing
Video Can Be an Effective Marketing Tool for Your Business
The use of videos to promote a company and its products has been growing in recent years. In the past, these videos were created mostly for fun. However, more companies are using them as a way to promote their business instead. These videos are mainly used to educate and attract customers so a company can grow even more.
Enjoy a #virtualcoffeebreak with a Dunkin Donuts Gift Card!
As a leader in providing online rich-media communications, we at Onstream know that every webcast, webinar, or video conference goes better with a glazed donut and a cup of the tastiest coffee around. As we continue to build our digital community, we want to offer you a chance to reward yourself for joining the conversation. Read on to see how you can win a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card, courtesy of Onstream Media.
The Proper Use of Webinars Can Help You Generate Quality Leads
One of the biggest reasons companies use webinars is to create interest in their company and to generate leads that can convert into new business. As webinars gain popularity among businesses, studies have been conducted to show whether these webinars are truly an effective way to generate quality leads for your business so you can see the greater growth you desire. This research has revealed that those businesses that use at least six webinars in a year are more likely to receive quality leads that convert than those businesses that produce fewer webinars.
Tags: Onstream Media, webinar, Webinar Dos and Donts, webinar best practices, Planning for a Webinar, Webinar marketing
The Five Best Ways to Set Up Online Registration for Your Events
When you set up an Onstream virtual event, it is important to make it easy on yourself and your attendees to register so you know exactly how many people to expect. An online registration system can be easy for your attendees to use, as well as reduce the work you need to do to add up all your attendees. However, to ensure it is easy for everyone, you should incorporate these five tips for the best registration possible.
Tags: webinar tips, Onstream Media, Webinar Planning, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events, Infinite Conferencing
What You Need to Ask About Web Conferencing?
Web conferencing is quickly becoming one of the preferred methods for businesses to reach out to business associates, customers and even investors. Before you commit to using web conferencing for your business, there are specific questions you need to ask to ensure you are making the right choice for your business.
Tags: web conferencing, Web conferencing Best Practices;, web conference
You may have heard the term “webcast” or “webcasting” but aren’t really sure what it means. In the most basic terms, a webcast is any transmission of information over the Internet that makes use of streaming technology. A webcast can consist of either audio and/or video and is watched streaming instead of having to download it onto your computer. If you have ever watched a video on YouTube, for instance, you have made use of a webcast. These webcasts are used by major media outlets, as well as universities, businesses and many other organizations that have information to share.
Tags: webcasting
Working Environment
Tags: web conferencing, training seminars, video conferencing tips, headset, the right headset
Webcams have become a useful tool for businesses to use to conduct meetings no matter where everyone is located. No longer do businesses have to wait for everyone to be in the same room to hold those important meetings. However, when you choose to use a webcam for business purposes, it is important to choose one that meets the proper standards for quality.
Tags: web conferencing, web conferencing tools, video conferencing tips
Choosing the Right Conference Call Provider
Conference calls can be a useful tool for businesses of all sizes and types, allowing you to communicate with vendors, customers and even other branches more efficiently. If you feel as if conference calls will be a useful tool for your business, your next step is to find a reputable conference call provider to use for your services. You need to be sure you choose a company you can rely on for clear calls and the best service for both you and the other people involved in your conference calls.
Tags: choosing the right web conference, c, Conference Provider, conference call, conferencing
While some people prefer to meet in person, it isn’t always possible because of the distance between those involved in the meeting. In this world where technology has allowed anyone to reach out to people anywhere in the world, the use of conference phone systems has increased, allowing people to share ideas, no matter where they are. However, finding the right phone system requires you to take into account the size and acoustics of the room in which the phone will be located. With the changes in technology and designs, choosing the right phone can be even more difficult for companies.
Tags: Onstream Media, audio conferencing, phone, conference phone, conference call, audio conference
While most people prefer to get something for free, you can’t always logistically offer your Onstream webinar for free. If you must pay a speaker or need to use your webinar as a means of income, you need to be able to figure out just how much to charge for your webinar. Despite the fact people prefer free, many of them are willing to pay as long as there is value in the information you will provide at your webinar.
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, Onstream Media, Webinar Planning, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events
Once you have decided to use an Onstream Media webinar to spread information related to your business, you want to ensure you draw in the largest audience possible. However, you can’t expect people to simply stumble upon your webinar. Instead, you need to make an effort to spread the word about your webinar yourself to bring in as many people as possible. This will ensure the success of your webinar.
Tags: Webinars, webinar tips, Webinar Planning, Webinar promotion, Webinar Events