It’s time to face the 3,000 pound elephant that appears in your office each summer, and seems to get heavier every year. We’re talking about the growing demand for flexible summer hours and work at home privileges in your enterprise.
Should You Offer Your Employees Flexible Summer Hours?
Tags: business best practices, collaboration, telecommuting best practices, summer hours, work environment, millennials, online web event, online communications, Online meetings, online collaboration, virtual, telecommuting
Telecommuting has become a popular option for many businesses. This option allows individuals to work from a variety of locations instead of being restricted to one office. Instead of having to commute to the office every day, employees are able to log into work through telecommuting software to complete their tasks. When you follow these telecommuting best practices, this can be an effective option for your employees.
Tags: telecommuting best practices, virtualb2b, telecommuting