WebRTC: Communications Disruptor … or Disruption?
Tags: conference company, Webinars, Onstream Media, effective communication, Communication Software, webrtc, web conferencing, Onstream Webinars, communication tool, communication platform, collaboration platform, conferencing software, Onstream Meetings, collaboration tool, Conferencing Platform
Why It Pays To Invest In Premium Conferencing Solutions
You may be asking the following question at this point in your search for a conferencing solution: Why would anyone want to pay for a premium conferencing platform when there are countless services available for free online? After all, there’s no better way to save money than by investing in a free product, right?
Tags: conference company, Teleconferencing, conferencing provider, phone conference, communication platform, communication tools, Infinite Conferencing, conferencing, communication
To Cast or Conference: That Is The Question
Have you been rifling through Google, trying to figure out the difference between Web conferencing, video conferencing and webcasting? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Tags: conference company, collaboration, Onstream Media, meeting, Communication Software, webinar, Onstream Webinars, choosing the right web conference, communication platform, ONW, communication tools, communication, Conferencing Platform
Tips to Consider Before Choosing a Conference Call Company