Your team is a half an hour into a Web conference, and it’s firing on all cylinders. First, the meeting started off with a short video presentation that sparked a lively discussion. Now, your team has broken down into smaller groups to collaborate, and will come back together to form actionable plans.
What’s going on here? This does not resemble the type of nightmare conference call that your team used to have to sit through every week. Your team is inspired and working together to solve problems; your weekly meetings are no longer an obligation, but a chance to spark business-changing ideas.
This Is What Every Online Meeting Should Look Like
Tags: collaboration, meetings, Meeting tips, conferencing tips, online communications, web conferencing tip, web solutions, Online meetings, online collaboration, collaboration platform, web conferencing tips, communication tools, web conference features, collaboration tool, web conference
Avoid the Dreaded Unsupported File Type While Conferencing
You’ve been trying to load a file into your conferencing platform for five minutes, but it just won’t work. You can hear tapping feet and sighs of frustration on the other end of the line as your colleagues become impatient awaiting the material. After some time, you give up and resort to email—a process that takes extra time--forcing attendees to leave their conferencing platform to obtain the file.
Tags: conferencing tips, audio conferencing tips, audio conferencing, conferencing provider, conferencing
Offer More Than Video or Audio on Your Next Web Conference
This is the standard, low-end Web conferencing solution used by most businesses today: two-way audio and video transmission. It has poor video quality (meaning it’s prone to choppy or delayed feeds) and it has no way of transmitting multimedia in real time. In short, it’s a low-budget approach to customer communication.
Tags: conferencing tips, web conferencing, conferencing provider, web conferencing tip, web conferencing tools, Web conferencing Best Practices;, web conferencing benefits, web conferencing tips, conferencing
5 Ways to Enhance Your Earnings Conference Call
Today, many companies reach out to their investors to share information about earnings and other financial aspects of the business through Onstream's phone conferencing. The Investors Relations, or IR department will start a conference call, inviting all investors to attend and share information every quarter or on an annual basis to make sure every investor knows what is going on.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, IR, phone conference, conference call
Web Conferencing Tips For Training Employees (Part 2)
Many companies use web conferencing as a way to train their employees instead of holding in-person training sessions. These sessions can be easily held online so you can include all your employees, including those who work from remote locations and can’t travel to the office. When you follow the proper conferencing tips, you will find your training sessions with Onstream Media too be more effective.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, web conferencing, web conferencing tips, conferencing
Create Your PowerPoint
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, web conferencing, conferencing
7 Conferencing Tips for Handling Meetings with Remote Employees
More businesses today are allowing their employees to work from remote locations, either full time or part time. However, this doesn’t negate the need for holding meetings that involve these employees. With the help of Onstream Media's web conferencing tools, businesses are able to continue conducting those meetings, no matter where their employees are located.
Tags: Onstream Media, conferencing tips, audio conferencing, web conferencing, conferencing