WebRTC: Communications Disruptor … or Disruption?
Tags: conference company, Webinars, Onstream Media, effective communication, Communication Software, webrtc, web conferencing, Onstream Webinars, communication tool, communication platform, collaboration platform, conferencing software, Onstream Meetings, collaboration tool, Conferencing Platform
What Web Conferencing Has That WebRTC Does Not
Tags: Webinars, Onstream Media, webrtc, online communications, Onstream Webinars, communication tool, communication platform, Online meetings, ONW, communication tools, communication
If you’re in the market for a new business collaboration and communications suite, chances are likely that Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is high on your list of solutions to explore, based on the heavy amount of online attention that it’s been receiving recently.
Tags: business best practices, collaboration, meeting, meetings, web rtc, webrtc, online communications, Online meetings, online collaboration