The Basics of Using Operated Assisted Conferencing for Your Business Calls

Posted by Amit Rathee on Mon, Mar 18, 2013 @ 02:23 PM

operator assisted conferencing, operator assisted call, audio conferencingIf you are the person who is in charge of managing the large-scale audio conferencing for your business, you are aware of the extreme stress setting up these conferences can create. The pressure is on to do everything exactly right, from the setup of the conference through to its completion and follow-up. However, even when you are the person who is in charge, you don’t have to deal with all the stresses on your own; you can make use of an operator assisted call.

What Is Operator Assisted Conferencing?

An operator assisted call is a form of audio conferencing businesses and individuals  can use to hold meetings and larger conferences over the phone. During the process of the call, an operator will be assigned to your call to assist you with various features, as well as oversee the entire call. You will obtain help through every step of the process, from the planning of the conference to the follow-up many businesses use after the conference. Even though each operator assisted conferencing provider will work differently, there are certain aspects that are the same for many of them.

Before the Conference

When you sign up for your operator assisted call, you will be assigned an operator by your audio conferencing provider. This operator will be the person who will help you through every step of the process. The first step is to connect with the operator to go over your agenda and goals for the meeting. He will then be able to help you set everything up and schedule the call. Just before your conference, the operator will hold a smaller conference with you and any presenters to make sure everyone is on the same page and is completely prepared, including making sure everyone can pronounce all the names of the participants and go over any new updates.

During the Conference

Once your operator assisted conferencing call should start, the operator will make sure the call begins as scheduled, as well as perform a variety of other tasks. This can include greeting the callers as they enter the conference, calling anyone who is missing, gathering information, answering any questions and dealing with various problems. In addition, there may be certain tasks the operator will handle for you, such as moderating, taking polls, muting participants who are experiencing large amounts of background noise and recording the session. Everything that goes on behind the scenes can be managed by your operator.

After the Conference

When your audio conferencing call is completed, you can expect to receive all the information you require from the operator. The operator who handled your operator assisted call will compile the data he collected from each participant, including identifying information, polling results and contact information. In addition to this information, the operator can also provide you with a transcript of your call, along with the recording, if you requested it.

A Seamless Conference Call

When you choose to use operator assisted conferencing for your major conference calls, you can expect a better overall experience for yourself and all your attendees. It doesn’t matter if you will be holding a meeting for a handful of people or a much larger group; the operator is there to ensure your call goes as smoothly as possible. This makes it a good choice for just about any type of meeting you may need to hold, including shareholder meetings, team meetings, project updates and even special events.

Once you gain a solid grasp on what operator assisted conferencing is and how it can help you with your audio conferencing needs, you will be able to use it for all those important business conferences. With the right provider, you will be able to fully customize your conference for the best results and less stress for you.

Tags: audio conferencing, operator assisted conferencing, operator assisted call

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