About Our Discussion - hashtag #office101
In the last 10 years 2 million more women than men hold college degrees in the US. Seventy percent of current high school valedictorians are women. Yet, the further up the management ladder you go, women continue to be increasingly underrepresented, holding only 10 percent of S&P executive positions with a measly 3 percent of Fortune 500 companies run by women (Stroope & Hagemann, 2011). Though the quantity and quality of capable women in the workforce has increased, not many of them are making it into top jobs—a sign that organizations might be overlooking some of their best talent.
As founder of USA Network, the Sci-Fi Channel and and cable TV sports, Kay Koplovitz, has been a woman leader in a male-centric business. Kay will look at the challenges facing women and men to effectively collaborate and bring more women up the chain of command in order to help companies be successful in a new world where millennials are demanding quality of life with work.
Hosted By Leslie Grossman,Vice Chair of the IMPACT Leadership 21 Global Advisory Council, Author,“LINK OUT"
Join us tomorrow, 9/27/13 at 2:30pm for this free event!