Webinar Tip: Make the Most of Email Blasts

Posted by Amit Rathee on Thu, Oct 10, 2013 @ 09:58 AM

 webinar, webinar tips, webinar best practices, Webinar Dos and Donts, teletipsEmail blasts can be an effective method of webinar promotion, but it needs to be done correctly. The truth is not everyone in your email list will be interested in every event you hold. Promoting best practices dictate you should create separate lists of email addresses that are likely to be interested in certain topics for webinars so you can better reach out to the right people each time.

In addition to using email as an effective tool to getting people to sign up, you must also pay close attention to the timing. Alerting individuals of your webinar a couple of weeks before it is held is a good time for a first email.  However, many individuals are too busy to easily remember something they found out about a month ago.

For this reason, it is important to send out more than one email, especially to those who sign up. Sending out an email a week before the event, the day before and then several hours before will remind people to attend.

Tags: webinar tips, webinar, Webinar Dos and Donts, teletips, webinar best practices

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