Meet Pete: Like most employees in his company, Pete works with little to no immediate supervision. Rather than following specific directives, Pete lets the quality of his work—and his attentiveness to details—do the talking.

Occasionally, however, Pete needs to consult with another member of his team before making a decision. But since a large portion of his company works remotely, accessing key individuals when they are needed can be a difficult task and, oftentimes, he can’t access the individuals he needs and must either delay his work or make an educated guess to solve his problem.
As this example shows, office autonomy can be a wonderful privilege; it can empower your workers to be more confident and take greater responsibility for their actions. But to function properly, workers need to be able to communicate with one another at any given time. Teamwork, after all, remains a critical component of productivity.
So, if your office is considering embracing an autonomous approach to employee management, make sure that your workers have access to a robust Web conferencing platform like Onstream Meetings, i.e., one that comes with over 100 features as well as a combination of audio, video and text-based chatting. With the help of Onstream Meetings, workers can easily log in over their Web browser and exchange a variety of multimedia among themselves.
So, are you ready to increase autonomy in your organization? Click here to learn more about how Onstream Meetings can facilitate first-class communications for your team.