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Marketing Webinar Infographic

Posted by Beth Klein on Jun 15, 2017 3:09:31 PM

Webinars are one of the most important parts of any integrated marketing strategy. Whether you're just starting your journey with webinars, or they are already part of your content marketing strategy, marketing this infographic will fill you in on what to really to expect after your event.

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Webinars are one of the most important parts of any integrated marketing strategy. Whether you're just starting your journey with webinars, or they are already part of your content marketing strategy, this infographic will fill you in on what to really to expect after your event. 

  • Webinar registrants versus webinar attendees: It is clear that not every registrant will attend live. You must take into consideration that from the time one registers to the time of the live event, new meetings can pop up at any given time. According to Onstream Media's research, 34% of people that register for your marketing webinar will attend live. Frequently, the attendee relies on the recording of these events, as well. Marketing tip: Make sure to include the recording link in your post event emails! 
  • Length of the Webinar: According to Onstream Media's research, the average viewing time is 43 minutes (based on a 60 minute marketing webinar.) Best practice suggests a 30-40 minute presentation with the remainder of the time for live Q&A. Marketing tip: Come up with a few "seed" questions to ask at the end of your webinar. This prompts the audience to ask their own questions, as well! 
  • Webinar Replays: According to our study, 7% viewed the on-demand version on the webinar. It's important to create campaigns that promote even after the live webinar is over. Marketing tip: By putting the recording out there on the Web, you are subject to additional leads! 
  • Webinar Day of the Week: According to our study, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are the most popular day to host a webinar. Marketing tip: Make sure you appeal to all time zones to get the maximum number of live participants. 
  • Materials Download: Have you turned your presentation into a PDF? Or do you have a pre-existing whitepaper that relates to your webinar topic? Any materials made available for download not only puts a piece of your brand in their hands, but the system also provides reporting information on download analytics. Marketing tip: This can be the differentiator between "warm" and "hot" leads.


If you're interested in hosting your own webinar, give us a call at (888) 203-7900!

Keywords: marketing, marketing infographic, webinar, webinars, webinar statistics


Tags: Infographics