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Webinar Audio Best Practices

Posted by Sabrina George on Sep 15, 2016 2:23:50 PM

“Can you hear me now?” is one of the worst questions to hear during your webinar.

Poor quality audio can really put a damper on the overall success of a webinar. Some of you may have experienced this and became frustrated which drove you to leave the session. Of course, audio isn’t the only factor that goes into conducting a successful webinar, but if the audio isn’t right, everything else won’t seem to make a difference.

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Good content can become great with the right tools, but even the greatest content can be overlooked by echoing, delays, or feedback. You really want to do your best to try to eliminate this possibility. Here are ten quick and easy things you can do to ensure better quality sound without spending a penny:

  1. Find a quiet, furnished place in your home or office to conduct the webinar. Be sure to stray away from kids, pets, colleagues, outside noise, and definitely close the doors.
  2. Make sure all mobile phones are silenced, and you’ve turned off any computer “ping” notifications. Hang a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.
  3. Make sure your speakers are following suit with creating a controlled environment.
  4. Speakers should use a USB microphone or stand-alone microphone on a scissor boom base. NO microphone jacks or built-in microphones on a laptop.
  5. It is wise to call in from a landline if you have one to ensure better quality, and in case of a dropped call. Mobile phones are not ideal and using speakerphone creates a palpable barrier.
  6. Ensure that the batteries on laptops are charged, and all computers are plugged into an electrical outlet so no one runs out of juice.
  7. Speak naturally, and practice what you want to say. Be mindful of habits such as saying “uhm”, clearing your throat, and nervous coughing.
  8. Find an experienced, professional moderator who can manage the flow of the script and prevent participants from interrupting or speaking over one another at the same time.
  9. Give the attendees a choice of an internet connection or a toll-free international telephone number.
  10. It is the most critical to conduct a dry-run and final rehearsal with everyone at least an hour in advance.

After you’ve prepared, you can relax knowing your readiness will show through the success of your webinar. Your participants will appreciate it. 

This article was originally published on Webinara's blog page: "Hosting a Successful Webinar:  Why Audio Matters Most for Audiences"

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