Powerful Use of Voicemail for Webinars (and sales!)
View this webinar to learn how to use voicemail to help generate more interest, relationships, and sales.
Nine out of ten business to business phone calls go to voicemail. With 90% of outbound sales efforts resulting in speaking to the dreaded 'machine' isn't it time your organization puts some serious thought in how to make the most of this tactic?In the first five minutes of this webinar you'll learn the simple secret that will immediately increase your voicemail response rate by 400%.
Join Patrick Cahill of beep! Directed Voicemail as he shares best practices around:
- Voicemail messaging
- Voicemail timing
- Voicemail frequency
- Konrath, author of 'Selling to Big Companies' and 'Snap Selling'
- Craig Elias, author of 'Shift Selling'
- Mike Schultz, author of 'Rainmaking Conversations'