
Fierce Membership: 7 Ways to Keep From Losing Your Most Engaged Members

The cry is almost universal across associations and their member communities – we can’t find volunteers! The problem isn’t a lack of volunteers, its focusing on the volunteering rather than engagement. Starting at our smallest member community – whether it’s a geographic chapter or an online SIG, if we shift our focus from a cry for volunteers to a commitment of involvement we’ll begin a revolution and create a new model for volunteerism.

What You’ll Walk Away With …

  • examples of how a few innovative associations have shifted their volunteerism to a member engagement conversation
  • a clearer picture of the new volunteerism
  • a few concrete ideas that you can consider trying

About KiKi L’Italien

KiKi L’Italien is President of Amplified Growth. She is a social enterprise strategist, working with associations and nonprofits in developing their member relationships and social media strategies. Kiki helps organizations connect with client and member communities through thoughtful communications and social media: beyond “doing” social networking and media to becoming more socially enabled organizations. She frequently presents at leading industry association conferences and often appears in social media-related webinars and podcasts.

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