
Adopting Education Strategy to Jump-Start Member Engagement

It’s no surprise to discover that most associations are guided by a carefully crafted strategic plan developed by key stakeholders. However, this plan often does not drill down into the specifics of education strategy despite the prominence of professional development in both the organization’s mission statement and annual budget. While the education equation is simple (Education = Engagement = Loyalty = Retention = Revenue), transforming this theory into action requires intentional planning. During this program, learn more about the education equation, explore considerations for developing your association’s very own education strategy, and identify actionable next steps. Work smarter (not harder!) to leverage current education offerings and content to jump-start member engagement.


About Aaron D. Wolowiec

Michigan native Aaron Wolowiec is an exceptionally talented and passionate leader whose diverse achievements guide and propel association goals and initiatives, especially as they relate to education and learning. Aaron has more than a decade of experience in the meetings industry, and has taught for three years at a Michigan college. Aaron is a certified association executive, a certified meeting professional and a certified tourism ambassador, and he earned a master’s degree in administration from Central Michigan University. An active member of the American Society of Association Executives, Aaron is both past chairman of the Young Association Executives Committee and a 2009-2011 Diversity Executive Leadership Program scholar. Aaron is also the recipient of the prestigious 2011 Michigan Society of Association Executives’ Emerging New Leader award, a symbol of extraordinary achievements and the promise of future accomplishments within the association management profession. As the founder and president of Event Garde, a professional development consulting firm based in Grand Rapids, Mich. that works with association leaders who want to deliver dynamic, meaningful and compelling education and networking experiences, Aaron manages the day-to-day operations of the firm, including the facilitation of most client projects.

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